
There are some things to consider before installing Aptono. Below you can find some points of attention that will help make everything go smoothly.

System Requirements

Aptono is compatible with a wide range of computers running supported operating systems. The hardware requirements vary depending on your specific usage scenario.

Data added to Aptono is stored in the computer's RAM memory, meaning that the more data you add, the more RAM is necessary. A basic installation of Aptono with an empty database consumes around 50 MB of RAM, while typical setups may require approximately 8 GB of RAM. Additionally, data is stored on the computer's hard drive, requiring at least an equivalent amount of disk space. It's worth noting that faster disk read and write speeds can improve Aptono's performance.

While most tasks are not limited by processing speed, operations involving intensive filtering may benefit from a high performance processor.

An internet connection is required to connect the license server. If this is not compatible with your use case, please contact us.

A smtp server is required for sending emails concerning user account management. Aptono communicates to the smtp server over port 587.

Users who want to open the dashboard need a modern web browser that supports wasm and Opengl.

Supported Operating Systems

Currently Aptono supports Windows 10/11 and Ubuntu 22.0. Other linux distributions might work but are not tested. We are working on expanding list of the supported operating systems.

Backup system

It's required to implement a backup system for the data stored in Aptono. While Aptono itself doesn't include a built-in backup feature, you can manage backups through either an automatic backup program or a manual procedure. Please note that Aptono does offer a restore function, allowing you to roll back data to a previous point in time. However, this function is not a substitute for a robust backup system. Therefore, establish a reliable backup mechanism to safeguard your Aptono data.

Secure environment

Every digital information system is susceptible to hackers trying to compromise the system. To make a digital system secure, a lot of things need to be considered. It is important to regularly get a third party expert opinion on your particular situation, because things once considered safe might change. To minimize the risk, it is important that the so called 'attack surface' of your setup is as small as possible. This means that hackers have less opportunities to attack your dashboard. Below your can find some general pointers on making an Aptono setup safer:

  • Run Aptono on a computer that is dedicated to running Aptono. Do not install any other software on it, do not use it for any other tasks.
  • Run Aptono on an isolated part of the network (DMZ), such that other important elements of your network cannot be reached and vice versa.
  • Make sure the software and hardware drivers are fully up to date and make sure there is a procedure in place to keep them up to date. This includes drivers for supporting hardware, like routers.
  • Disable as many features as possible on the operating system that are not required. Think for example about unused network sharing and remote access features.
  • Use a firewall that only allows network traffic to and from Aptono and blocks suspicious network traffic.
  • Store the encryption key on multiple separate physical devices and keep them in secure offline locations.