Data types

Below an overview of each data type is given with instructions on how to use its validators. To see an overview of which datatype is compatible with which field type, please refer to this section.


The text data type is a general purpose field data type. Use it for names, comments, descriptions or any other information. The text type comes with text validators described below. Note there is limit of 1024 characters for the text data type.


With a markup field you have a bit more space to input text. The markup field supports basic formatting as described here. To show the formatted markup, the field needs to be shown as non-editable. When the field is shown as editable, the raw input is shown. To read more about editable and non editable input, please refer to this section. The markup field supports text validators.

Decimal number

Decimals numbers are used for any non-integer data. Units can be added to the field which can help in calculations, see also below. Decimal numbers have number validators, as described below.

Integer number

Integer number fields only allow integer numbers. Number validators and units are supported.


Currency data type fields are similar to decimal numbers but they will also be displayed with two digits behind the dot.


The date field allows the user to pick a date from a widget. This data type has no validators. See also the 'Specific point in time' date type.


The user can select yes or no.


The user can specify a password, which should meet these requirements:

  • Should be at least 10 characters long
  • Should have at least one number
  • Should have at least one capital
  • Should have at least one lower case
  • Should be complex enough. This is tested by an algorithm that scores the givin input on length, the amount of similar characters and special characters.

Unique id

This allows the user to generate a unique id. The generate id will be an uuid.

Email address

This data type is the same as a text data type, but has validators build in that check if the input has the format of a valid email address. Note that Aptono does not check if the email address actually exists.

Url data

This data type is the same as a text data type, but has validators build in that check if the input has the format of a valid url. Note that Aptono does not check if the url actually exists.

Specific point in time

This data type allows the user the specify a date and time. No validators are supported.

Day, week, month, quarter and year numbers

This data type allow the user the pick a certain number that matches to the selected time period. For example, for month numbers, the user can give input between 1 and 12. The user can also let Aptono automatically fill in the current value. For example if the selected data type is Day number, Aptono will input the current day. An offset to the current value can be specified as well.


This allows users to specify a planning using a Gantt style widget. More information can be found here.

Login account

This data type allows the user to create a login account for Aptono. Each new record will contain a login account. More information can be found at this section.


The user can upload a png or jpg image. The maximum allowed file size is 10 mb and the maximum dimensions of the picture is 1920x1080 pixels. If the image does not meet these requirements, Aptono will try to rescale the image or reject it if it fails. Note that adding large images will use a lot space in the Aptono database. For most purposes, large images will not be required for a good quality print. So it is advised to keep image sizes as small as possible.


Most number data types support units. Units make it clear to the user what kind of number they should fill in. And they are used by calculation fields to check unit consistency. Aptono comes with a predefined list of units.

Thousand Eurok€
Million EuroMil €
Thousand Dollark$
Million DollarMil$
Metric tonton

Note that other units, that are not in the list, are not yet supported in calculations. Aptono is working on expanding this list for future updates. Please let us know which units you would like to see.

Conversion between time units

As described in the calculation field type documentation, units can be converted to another scale. For time units this is not straight forward, because a year is not a fixed amount of seconds. Note that Aptono assumes that a year is 365 days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds. Be aware that for calculating multi year averages this might not be correct.


Most data types support validators, which can be added to the field definition of the record template. Validators are used for limiting the input users can send to a record. Note that it is possible to add multiple validators to a field. Aptono will require that all the validators accept a new value, before adding it to the record. To add a validator press, 'Add validator' at the bottom of the field settings. Then selected the correct type:


Text validator

Most text data types comes with regex validators. With these validators you can limit the range of possible values that will be accepted by Aptono, for new records and for modifying existing records. For example:

  • To make sure users always start with a capital letter, use this regex: ^[A-Z]
  • To make sure users always send input of 15 characters long, use this regex: .{14,}

To get a particular regex you can ask any of the AI tools (like ChatGPT) to help you. To check if a regex works properly you can use this website.

Number validators

There are three type of number validators:

  • Range: the input value should in between the upper and lower limit.
  • Match: the input value should be equal to a set value.
  • Divisible by: the input value should be divisible by the set number, with a remainder of zero.