Adding fields to existing records

New fields can be added to collections, even if there are already records in the collection. Aptono will use placeholder values for the existing records that are derived from the default values of the new field. These placeholder values are not actually stored in the database. This allows Aptono to add new fields even if there are already large amounts of records in the collection. Placeholder values are replaced by real values when:

  • a user changes the new field in a record. The placeholder value will be replaced by the received value.
  • the field is part of a calculation, and the calculation is updated. The calculation result will be based on the default value. The placeholder value is replaced by the default value of the field.
  • the record or any of its fields are frozen. The placeholder value is replaced by the default value of the field.
  • the record with placeholder values is referenced via a reference field. The placeholder values are replaced by the default values of their fields.
  • the record is part of a newly created task. The placeholder values are replaced by the default values of their fields.

Note that if a field has a placeholder value, its value that is displayed on records and in tables will change if the default value of the field is changed.