CSV Import

Aptono can import data via CSV files. To import a csv file, Aptono first needs to have an import format. This can be defined by collection administrators in the collection settings window (see here). Go to the 'Import formats' section and click on the 'Add new format' button:


A new format will appear in the list. Click on the settings icon to open the settings window:


Add a name to allow users to recognize when to use this format. The 'Start row' option indicates on which line the data starts. This can be used to skip any header data in the csv file. Then specify the delimiter used in the csv file.

All fields in the collection that can be imported via csv will be shown in a list. A mapping can be specified that indicates how Aptono should import data. There are three options:

  • Value from csv: specify which column contains the data for this particular field.
  • Default value: the default value of the collection template will be used. Note that this value should valid, otherwise the record will be rejected.
  • Predefined value: fill in a value that should be used for all rows.

Select a column number, to indicate in which column the current field can be found.

If there are fields in the collection that cannot be imported via csv, they will not be shown here. Aptono will attempt to fill in the default values as defined in the record template. For this to be successful, the default values need to be valid.


Missing data in csv data

Aptono will scan all rows of the csv file, starting from the 'Start row'. It will attempt to create records with the data that is found. Some csv files might not have all rows filled in. You can specify how to deal with missing data by choosing one of three options in the 'Replacement' field:

  • None: the row will not be converted to a record and an error message will be shown.
  • Default: use the current default value in the record template to fill in missing data.
  • Custom value: indicate which value to use.

Using the csv import format

To import a csv file, close the format settings window to back to the collection settings window. In the 'Existing formats' table, click on the 'Use' button of the created csv import format:


A file selection window will be shown. Select a csv file and open it. Aptono will start analyzing the csv file. A result window will be shown. If there were no errors, the result will look as follows. Click on submit to send the data to the server:


If there were errors, these will be shown in the result window. You can choose to abort the operation, or to send the records that were successful.


After the data was send to Aptono, it will be checked by the validators of the record template. There it still might be rejected. If not, the records will be added to the collection.

Field data type import format

Field data typeFormat
Text, Markup, Folder, Password, Unique id, Email, UrlRegular text
Decimal, CurrencyNumbers using a decimal dot (.)
Integer, Day / Week / Month / Quarter / Year numberInteger numbers
Date, Point in timeYear-month-day Hour:Minute:Second
Year-month-dayTHour:Minute:Second+Timezone (either 01:00 or CST)
Year-month-dayTHour:Minute:Second Timezone (either 01:00 or CST)
ISO 8601 without timezone
ISO 8601 with UTC timezone
ISO 8601 with offset
RFC 3339 with fractional seconds and UTC
All above but with day first
All above but no leading zeros
Boolean TrueAny of the following, case insensitive: 1, yes, y, confirm, confirmed, accept, accepted, on, enable, enabled, valid, success, exist, exists, positive, active
Boolean FalseAny of the following, case insensitive: 0, no, not, n, deny, denied, reject, rejected, off, disable, disabled, invalid, fail, failure, nonexistent, negative, inactive
Right tagsRegex match: r"Righttag: (\w+), level: (\d+)"
Reference to other recordUuid of the record
OtherNot supported

Importing multi value fields

To import multivalue fields, make sure that the data for the separate values is in one column, separated by '<!&&!>'. For example: value1 <!&&!> value 2. This marker tells Aptono that there are multiple values in the column.


Currently the csv import function can only be used by collection administrators. In the future a widget will be added such that collection visitors can use the created templates as well.