Collection: EMPLOYEES


Welcome inside the Aptono Dashboard. A collection is represented as a table. Here records can be added, modified or deleted. Let's create a new collection.



Depending on the permissions of the login, different columns and rows can be shown or hidden.

Collection: PROJECTS

Team members

+ -

Input form

Field 1: select

Field 2: default value

Field 3: please enter


Event 1: generate new task when new record is created

Event 2: generate new record every monday morning

Week: 42
Year: 2023
Report name: Example
Location: Rotterdam
Report status: Approved
Approved by: Ana

This is an example report. Report layouts can be defined in html and css. The data comes directly from the collections. For example, tables with data from the collections can be formatted into tables like shown below:

Stock item # Description Left Ordered
102321 Blue 12 0
97856 Manual 2 3
12.4578 Left side 102 20

Reports can be exported via email or via file export.

Define forms for creating new records. Forms can be adjusted for different login permissions.

Define events around the collection. Events can result in creating new records, sending of emails or generation of new tasks. Events can be triggered by records creation or modification or by regular time patterns.

Embed records of other collections into any collection, allowing to model any kind of organization.









Welcome to Aptono, a new tool that helps you organize the digital workplace.

Scroll down to find out more.

Loading model...


Aptono is software that can store, process and report data. You can access and interact with it via a dashboard interface on the web or app.

You can think of Aptono as your digital back office, supporting the operations of your organization.

The background shows a conceptual representation of what Aptono does. There are three important features:

  1. It stores your data the way you want it to be stored.
  2. It allows you to define processes around that data.
  3. It provides the requirements to safely interact with the stored data.

What kind of data does it store? That is up to you. Let's continue to find out more.


Aptono works with collections, which you can think of as a drawer of a document cabinet. For each collection you can define a template which will be used for all new records.

In the template you can define basic data items like text, currency and dates, but also common workplace items like report templates and plannings.

You can create as many collections as you want, and anyone with the right permissions can do so. This makes Aptono the go to place to store everything in a an organized matter.

Pretty flexible for a database, and that is how Aptono got its name. Apto Repono is latin for adjustable storage, which was combined to Aptono.

But being flexible is only one of the main features of Aptono, let's continue.


This is the task board. Tasks can be assigned to every login account in Aptono. Tasks can be triggered when certain data is changed, or when a new record is added to a collection.

For example: if a new project is added to the project collection, Aptono can create tasks for the planning department to plan in the new project.


This is the events board. In Aptono you can define events, which can perform certain operations within Aptono.

Events can take place at a certain time or when certain data is changed.

For example: every monday morning generate a task for team x to update their planning.


This is where Aptono stores the login accounts and the permissions.

Login accounts can be added, changed or deleted from within Aptono itself. For example: a login account can be generated for every project, allowing clients to login into their own project to see the latest status.

Every account has certain permissions within Aptono. The permission mechanism within Aptono works with tags. These tags can be combined with each other, allowing every possible situation.

Aptono supports WebAuthn, which allows users to sign in with a physical security key.


Connect to other elements:

In Aptono you can define endpoints that allow interaction with the database. Endpoints are controlled with permissions and are authenticated via a login account.

For example: Aptono can be linked to your customer website. When someone fills in the contact form, the information can be stored within Aptono and tasks can be generated to handle the information request.


This is the security gate. Every interaction from and to Aptono goes through security checks to make sure the data is safe.

Aptono applies all the latest best practices regarding web safety. Please see the documentation for a complete list of security features.

Aptono will have regular third party security audits.

All data within Aptono is encrypted.

That was the introduction. Thank you for you interest in Aptono.

Check out a more detailed feature list on the 'Features' page.


Aptono stores your data and provides a versatile dashboard to interact with it. Below some of the unique features of Aptono are highlighted. Please scroll down to find out more.


Things change and your organization needs to change with it. Don't let your software hold you back. Create and change any kind of data model in Aptono.

Adjust the database to specific needs and workflows, ensuring it aligns perfectly with organizational processes. Adapt as the requirements change without relying on external developers or IT support. Let users take ownership of their data management, fostering autonomy and efficiency within the organization. Quickly prototype new ideas or changes without a costly development process.



Aptono runs on your own network, which means you have full control over your data. You don't have to rely on third parties to keep things going.

Tailer access to the data by having full control over the infrastructure. Users are close to the data which results in low latency high performance access.

Simplify compliance with regulations and industry standards by having direct oversight and control over data handling practices.

Save cost by using infrastructure that is already available in your organization.


Store your data in organized folders.

Keep things organized by storing your data in structured folders. Make a structure that makes sense for your organization. Save time searching for information.



Define fine grained access mechanisms using tags, relative tags of direct access. You no longer have to model your data according to who can and cannot access it.

Facilitate collaboration by ensuring that users have access to the data necessary to perform their tasks without being overwhelmed with unnecessary or sensitive information.


Define actions within Aptono based on regular schedules or based on events that are triggered by interaction.

Ensure a constant rhythm by having things set up automatically. Automate repetitive tasks and keep focus on whats important.



Everything within Aptono can be reported with a press of a button. Customize layouts with ease.

Customized reports allow tailored insights to the specific needs of your organization, focussing on metrics and KPI's most relevant to its goals and objectives

In Aptono the interaction interface and reports are the same thing, every layout can be printed into a pdf report. By having adjustable layouts you can adjust to changing workflows, internal requirements or priorities.

Customized reports will result in deeper insights into operations and empower organizations to extract maximum value from their data, driving better decision making and strategic outcomes.


Generate tasks for users and setup a process around your data.

Tasks can streamline a workflow and help make the organizational process more robust. New team members are onboarded faster by having clear instructions centralized in one place. Integrate QAQC techniques to improve quality and outcome.



Endpoints allow you to connect Aptono to every other possible program in your ecosystem.

Connection to other software in your ecosystem never has been easier. Enable an endpoint with a click of a button.

Control which information can be accessed and updated.


Use the latest data security features to make sure that your data is safe.

Use encryption certificates to secure the communication over the web. Aptono is able to automatically obtain SSL certificates via Lets Encrypt

Give users the option to sign in with a pass key, via WebAuthn. When enabled, users can log in with a physical device like a phone or Yubikey.

All data stored in Aptono is encrypted with an encryption key only available to you. Organizations with sensitive data no longer have to rely on external parties for data handling.



Make sure you known exactly what is going on in your organization by calculating important metrics and kpi's.

Gain immediate insights in how the organization is performing by calculating relevant information in real time.

Report the latest status to stakeholders with the press of button.


Aptono is available for download by filling in this form.

This form will register your Aptono account. The download will start directly. Before downloading and using Aptono please read first the terms & conditions and privacy statement. Please provide your information:

I agree to the and


Aptono's pricing is based on how many login accounts and endpoints are used in the dashboard.

Below you will find an overview for the pricing of the login accounts licenses and endpoint licenses. Note that Aptono also can provide support and training. Please contact us for more information.


Aptono is free to download and get started. It comes with three free login accounts and one endpoint.

The free accounts can be used without restriction and will always be free. It can be used for small organizations or review purposes.


If more login accounts or endpoints are needed, a monthly fee is charged per license in the form of a monthly subscription. The subscription can be cancelled every month.

LOGIN ACCOUNT 6.99 €/Month
ENDPOINT 6.99 €/Month


We can provide hosting for your Aptono installation. Please contact us for more details.


Contact us for questions or remarks via the form below. We are also available on Discord.

Please provide your information, after agreeing to the privacy policy. We will try to get back to you as fast as possible.

I agree to the


Aptono believes that every organization should have the opportunity to harness the power of digital technology in their workflow without the hurdles of hiring developers or enduring long integration processes.

Having the right digital tools is crucial for staying efficient and competitive. However, the cost and complexity of building and maintaining a digital platform can be overwhelming. Hiring developers and navigating through intricate integration trajectories can feel like too big of a challenge.

That's where Aptono comes in. Its focusses on organizations that need more flexibility then a off-the-shelve, pre-defined solutions with limited adaptability. We've developed a program that allows you to build a fully customized database and dashboard with ease. A platform designed to be user-friendly and accessible, even for those with limited technical expertise.

With Aptono, you can unlock the full potential of a digital workflow without breaking the bank or sacrificing valuable time.

Join the Aptono community today.


Aptono is designed to be adjustable

Every design decision in Aptono was made with flexibility in mind. We believe that adaptation is the key to efficiency and to having a frictionless workflow.


Aptono is designed to be safe

With more powerful tools comes greater responsibility. Aptono strives to be as secure as possible. It was written in a memory safe language (Rust), that steers developes to safer design choices rather then pushing them away from it.

With tools like encryption, pass keys and permission tags, Aptono brings the latest technology to your dashboard.


Aptono wants to stay lean and efficient

Aptono as a company wants to focus on making the best technological tools available to organizations.


Aptono is currently in an open beta stage

Aptono is not officially released yet. We invite people to use, as we believe that it can be used for many situations already. But note that it is not battle tested yet.

This means you might encounter limitations or unexpected behavior. We want to collect as much feedback as possible and will provide quick updates where needed.


1. Acceptance of Terms

By accessing and using Aptono software and services ("the Software"), you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use ("Terms"). If you or the organization that you represent do not agree to these Terms, do not use the Software. If you are signing this Agreement for a company or another legal entity, "Customer", "User" or "you" refers to the entity you're representing. You guarantee that you have full authorization to legally bind that entity and its affiliates to these Terms.

2. Use of the Software

(a) Free Accounts: The first three login accounts and first endpoint are provided free of charge. One of the free login accounts is an Admin account, which is not compatible with the 'Tasks' or 'Reference' features of the Software. Aptono reserves the right to modify or discontinue free login accounts at any time without notice.

(b) Subscription Accounts: After the initial three free login accounts and one endpoint, the User is required to pay a subscription fee for additional login accounts and endpoints to the Software.

3. Ownership and Intellectual Property

(a) Ownership: The Software, including all intellectual property rights, is and remains the property of Aptono. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights by using the Software.

(b) License: Aptono grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software solely for your personal or internal business purposes.

4. Disclaimer of Liability

(b) No Warranty: the Software is provided "as is" and "as available" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

(c) No Responsibility: Aptono shall not be responsible for any loss or damage arising out of or related to the use of the Software. This includes, but is not limited to, any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages. This still applies even if Aptono is informed beforehand on the possibility of such damages. The use of the Software is at the sole risk of the User.

(d) Indemnification: You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Aptono, its affiliates, officers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs, or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees) in any situation, arising from but not limited to:

    (i) your use of and access to the Software;

    (ii) your violation of these Terms;

    (iii) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, or privacy right; or

    (iv) any claim that your use of the Software caused damage to a third party.

This indemnification obligation will survive the termination of these Terms and your use of the Software.

5. Subscription and Fees

(a) Free Accounts: The first three login accounts and first endpoint are provided free of charge.

(b) Subscription Fee: After the initial three free login accounts and first endpoint, the User is required to pay a monthly subscription fee for each additional login account or endpoint. The amount of the subscription fee and the payment terms will be specified on the Aptono website or through other communication channels.

(c) Payment Authorization: By providing payment information to Aptono, you authorize us to charge the specified subscription fee to the payment method you have provided on a monthly basis.

(d) Billing Cycle: The subscription fee will be billed monthly in advance. The User is responsible for payment of fees for each billing cycle, regardless of actual usage.

(e) Changes to Fees: Aptono reserves the right to change the subscription fees at any time. Changes to fees will be communicated to Users in advance, and continued use of the Software after the effective date of the fee change constitutes acceptance of the new fees.

(f) No Refunds: Subscription fees are non-refundable. Aptono does not provide refunds or credits for partial months or unused login accounts or endpoints.

(g) Account Suspension for Non-Payment: Aptono reserves the right to suspend or terminate access to the Software for Users who fail to pay the applicable subscription fees.

(h) Currency: All fees are stated in Euro, unless otherwise specified.

(i) Disclaimer: Aptono disclaims any and all liability for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the payment of subscription fees.

(j) Service Disclaimer: Payment of subscription fees solely provides access to additional login accounts or endpoints and does not imply any obligation on the part of Aptono to provide support, maintenance, or other services of any kind.

(k) Cancellation of Subscription:

    (i) Voluntary Cancellation: The User may voluntarily cancel their subscription at any time. The cancellation will be effective at the end of the current billing cycle.

    (ii) Termination by Aptono: Aptono reserves the right to terminate or suspend a User's subscription at any time for any reason, including but not limited to non-payment of subscription fees or violation of these Terms.

    (iii) Effect of Termination: Upon termination or cancellation, Users will lose access to the Software and any data associated with their account. Aptono is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from the termination of a subscription.

6. Termination

Aptono reserves the right to terminate or suspend your access to the Software at any time, without notice, for any reason, including, but not limited to, breach of these Terms.

7. Changes to Terms

Aptono reserves the right to change these Terms at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to review these Terms regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes. Your continued use of the software after the effective date of any modifications or updates constitutes acceptance of the updated Terms. If you do not agree with the modifications or updates, you have the option to terminate your subscriptions.

8. Open-Source Software

(a) Incorporation of Open-Source Libraries: The Software may include third-party open-source libraries or software components ("Open-Source Software"). The use of Open-Source software is subject to the terms and conditions of the respective open-source licenses, which can be found in the documentation or source code of the Software.

(b) Compliance with Open-Source Licenses: Users are required to comply with the terms and conditions of any applicable open-source licenses associated with the Open-Source software included in the Software. Information regarding open-source licenses and attributions can be found in the documentation or source code of the Software.

(c) Disclaimer: Aptono disclaims any and all liability arising from the use of Open-Source Software and shall not be responsible for any claims, damages, or losses incurred by Users in connection with their use of Open-Source software.

9. Updates

(a) General: Aptono may, at its discretion, provide updates, enhancements, or modifications to the Software ("Updates"). Such Updates may require user action to install.

(b) No Obligation: Aptono is not obligated to provide any Updates or to continue offering support for the Software. The decision to provide Updates, and the nature and scope of such Updates, shall be determined by Aptono in its sole discretion.

(c) No Rights Conferred: Clients have no inherent rights to receive any Updates. Aptono reserves the right to discontinue providing Updates or support for the Software at any time without notice.

(d) User Responsibility: It is the responsibility of clients to ensure that they are using the latest version of the Software to benefit from any available Updates and improvements.

(e) Disclaimer: Aptono disclaims any and all liability for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the use or non-availability of Updates.

10. Assignment

(a) These Terms and any rights and licenses granted hereunder may not be transferred or assigned by Users but may be assigned by Aptono without restriction. In the event of a merger, acquisition, reorganization, or sale of all or substantially all of Aptono's assets, these Terms shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the new entity or party.

(b) Change of Client's Company Ownership: In the event of a sale, takeover, reorganization, or any change in ownership of your company, you agree to notify Aptono promptly. Aptono reserves the right to transfer your subscription, along with these Terms, to the new entity or party resulting from such change in ownership. The new entity or party will then be bound by these Terms.

11. Governing Law

These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the Netherlands.


Privacy Policy for Aptono

1. Information We Collect:

We may collect the following types of information when you use our website:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Any other information you voluntarily provide through our contact form
  • Website usage data

2. How We Collect Information:

We collect information through the contact form on our website and meta data tracking technologies resulting from your usage of the website.

3. Purpose of Data Collection:

We collect your personal information for the following purposes:

  • To provide and improve our services.
  • To communicate with you.
  • To analyze and enhance user experience.
  • 4. Legal Basis for Processing:

    We process your personal data based on your consent when you submit information through our contact form.

    5. Data Use and Sharing:

    We will not sell, lease, or share your personal information with third parties unless required by law or with your explicit consent.

    6. User Rights:

    You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information. Please contact us using the information below to exercise these rights. In the event of a data breach that may compromise the security of user data, Aptono will notify affected users as required by law and take prompt action to mitigate any harm.

    7. Data Security:

    We employ reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access or disclosure.

    8. Data Retention:

    We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy or as required by law.

    9. Cookies and Tracking:

    We do not use cookies on our website.

    10. Third-Party Links:

    Our website may contain links to third-party websites. This Privacy Policy applies only to our website; we are not responsible for the privacy practices of third-party sites.

    11. Compliance with Data Protection Laws:

    Aptono complies with applicable data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for users in the European Union (EU) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) for users in California. We are committed to respecting user rights regarding their personal data and providing mechanisms for exercising those rights.

    12. Updates to the Privacy Policy:

    We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. The latest version will be posted on our website with the date of the last update.

    13. Contact Information:

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us via the contact form.

    Last Updated: 07-12-2023